Thursday, August 27, 2009


went to posh on tusday wich was so dam rad. that place is so dilled at that moment and i was having way to much fun to put my bike down and take pic's, maby net time aye.

after riding catty for about 1/4 of one hour yesterday my brake cabel broke so i took some pic's so pritty rad ones to enjoy the full size full uqality imiges.


this is sam, a 17 year old catty local/catty shredder.

sam, roast

rad style


TRUBMX said...

dude, so wish i was need to roast it up i need LIP! stony season shortly oh yeah! Just had a week down there summers gona be rad! I stole a pic & linked it all back to siligna, hope ya don't mind...ride on!

Buttski said...

Sam kills it man. Style is pretty dialed......thanks for the beers last night.